Sunday, April 6, 2008

In Israel we did not have to fight for each show.
People, no more than a few dozens, but still, an audience,
would show up every time. they were attraction-hunters,
they were looking for something to do on a Friday night,
and they found it.

In Berlin, as in other big cities I suppose, people do not need
to be fed manually by your graciousness, oh no.
They have so much to pick from! hundreds of simultaneous
events, every night, every day, 365 days a year.

Hence, not only you have to make music, of extremely high quality,
you must also wrap it up in a unique appearance, you must have a
"show": weird instruments will do, a multimedia performance, even
a ridiculous gimmick of sorts. The music itself just won't seem to do
these days.
They will not pay attention, overwhelmed by all the noise made by
other people, so much noise, it is impossible to focus any longer on
just one thing, they keep on searching for something else while you
are standing on a stage, like so many others, not worth of their
attention. you can be as alone on a stage as you are in your bedroom.

Mighty Sphincter - Helter Skelter (cover)

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