Sunday, October 19, 2008

How come the future sounds so much like the past?

In Kill you idols one of the no wave idols' complaints was the influence of the past on the present generation of bands.
but it isn't necessarily bad.

The kids of today are exposed to so much more than in the past.
they can listen to records that are out of print, they can watch virtually non existing videos on YouTube. it is a never ending world of possibilities, of course, if you know how to pick them, but for that obviously you need to have good taste and it is no mystery that the masses never did.

industry VS. art

Well, they were right about the distressing longing of the present generation to "do or die" - become the band of the moment, earn a lot of money and well, that's it. there is no intention to make anything more valuable, no pretension to make art, God forbid to express themselves somehow differently! nope, they only reflect the zeitgeist, as it is portrayed in the fashionable magazines.
And just like the "current fashion" on most street fashion blogs, the pictures only promote last season's trends, the assembly line is always one step behind.
our assembly line is called the NME.

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