Saturday, November 29, 2008

A treasure

Today I found a box underneath my coal oven, it was almost hidden away, casually laying there, waiting to be spotted and taken out for examination.

when I opened the box I found dozens of tapes with various mixes and albums. some date back to 1998, maybe even earlier.

The only unintentional gift I found before of the previous inhibitor of my room was a Rolling Stones cassette in the purple stereo on the shelf. but this? this is astonishing!

She must have left in a hurry, leaving all that behind, never claiming it back.
All that history, her personal history!

I read the labels on the tapes, only a few were familiar, Tori Amos' "Little Earthquakes", Tom Waits' "Blue valentines" and "Mule variations" (the only indication of the last years in the entire collection).
she had lots of random Jazz and Punk compilations, some Hip Hop and Electronics, European 80's pop music and a very random David Bowie compilation.

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